CIRCPAC is a segmented carbon ring barrier seal. The barrier seal is used in high speed centrifugal compressors to keep the bearing oil away from the gas seal. In high speed turbomachinery the oil in the bearing cavity becomes very turbulent. By providing a barrier gas flow to CIRCPAC, the velocity of gas exiting the carbon ring toward the oil creates a barrier to keep the oil from contaminating the compressor gas seal.
Stand alone CIRCPAC
CIRCPAC can also be used as a cost effective 'stand alone' carbon ring seal (see back side). A multiple carbon ring configuration can be utilized in low pressure applications where the very low leakage of a conventional gas seal is not required.
Optimized Reliability
This seal optimizes design life by pro- viding a clearance between the sleeve and the carbon bushings. This clear-ance eliminates wear and dramatically extends equipment life. This design philosophy complements the non-con-tacting GASPAC compressor gas seal providing many years of trouble-free performance. Why compromise com-pressor life with poor barrier seal life?
The CIRCPAC has often been reused after seal inspection in many different applications.