EMERSON/艾默生 ASCO電磁閥 327系列電磁閥
direct operated, reduce & low power
brass or stainless steel bodies
• The valves are certified according to IEC 61508 Functional Safety data and have
SIL-3 capability (TÜV & Exida certification)
• The solenoid valves are recommended for pilot applications with basic flow, wide
pressure ranges and no minimum operating pressure
• PTFE rider rings and graphite-filled PTFE seals reduce friction and eliminate sticking
• Coils used in metal enclosures have class H insulation materials
• Dedicated execution for low power
• Dedicated execution for extreme low ambient temperatures
• Peak voltage suppression diodes are standard in DC solenoids with
metal enclosures
• The solenoid valves satisfy all relevant EC Directives
• Manual Operators are optional including an under pressure removable type
• Environmental NACE compliant and certified vibration resistant in combination
with WSCR solenoids
DC (=) : 24V - 48V - 110V - 120V
AC (~) : 110V - 115V - 120V - 200V - 220V - 230V / 50 - 60 Hz